Hello and Goodbye.

It’s been five years (give or take a few months) since my last post, My First Author Event! I didn’t intend to drop off the face of the earth and I’m very sorry to leave you guys hanging like that.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that in five years my life has changed dramatically. In fact, so much has happened, including a church membership just last night, that it would be impossible to go into everything in just one post. And that would defeat the purpose of this final post on this blog. Is that to say I’ve stopped blogging? Heavens no! I’ve got a very much current up and running blog that I’ll share with you in just a minute.

So why did I pop in after five years just to say goodbye? Well, I don’t know. Partly to officially close the doors and say goodbye to all my readers (if you’re still subscribed after all this time, I appreciate that!) and partly because in the background of working on my current blog, I’ve often thought back on this one. I considered revamping it but that would leave me with two blogs to consistently update and I’m doing good with just one.

Possibly it has everything to do with yesterday. Sunday morning, my family attended a church we hadn’t stepped foot in about three months. Our main reason was to say goodbye after a year of off and on attendance. It was a good church with Godly preaching, but it wasn’t where God wanted us. Sitting in the congregation that morning, I knew without a doubt that my family was making the right choice. And later that evening we officially became members at the new church. If you’ve ever joined a church, then you know the rush of emotions from nervousness to excitement. The endless shaking of hands, hugs and warm welcomes. In that moment, I felt at home.

Yesterday was a day goodbyes and hellos. A day of closure and new beginnings. And looking back at this blog…it’s finally time to do the same.

If you would like to stay in the loop and still connect with me, I have all my links below:

~Blog: https://booksbyvirginia.wordpress.com/ This started out as just my book website until I started blogging again in 2022.

~Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17023577.Virginia_Henderson

~Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/virginia_henderson_author/

~Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Vhenderson93

~Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/8944a1fd4fe1/newsletter-sign-up-link

~YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@all-bookedbookreviews/featured

If you read this far, thank you so much for sticking with me. I truly appreciate you!

Until next time. Have a blessed day!

~Writer for Christ

Welcome 2018!

I am pumped for this year, how about you guys? I see a lot promise for improvement, success, and achievements.

I’d love to hear from you, what are some of your expectations for 2018? Whatever they are, I wish you the best! For me, I want to grow closer to God, continue to write and sell my books, and my goal is to attend my first book signing/author event!

I know this post is horribly short, but that’s all that was on my mind. Oh, I do have a Twitter account now! Follow me @Henderson93V I’m new to it and kinda have no idea what I’m doing, lol.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

Christmas book!!!

Hey all!

I know this is early, but I won’t have a post for this Friday. I’ll try to get one for the following Friday though.

So…. my new book is up!! It’s on Amazon (Click here) It’s available as both an eBook and paperback. The story takes place during Thanksgiving and goes through New Years Eve. It has great lessons to take back such as: forgiveness, dealing with grief, second chances, and grace. I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it just as much if you get the opportunity.

Check out the trailer below (no sound)


It's called grace teaser

If you read it, honest reviews are very appreciated. I also added all this info on my site if you wanted to check it out, booksbyvirginia.wordpress.com

Did I mention that this is the first of a Christmas series, Abundant Blessings? Yup, another series. I love those.

Any way, Hope you all have a very, very merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! Stay warm and God loves you!

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

Cyber Shopping 101

Happy Friday!

Hope you all are staying warm; Texas is getting a taste of northern winter weather.

So, lets go ahead and get straight to the point. Are you ready for Christmas? Most times that question also means, have you finished your shopping? For the most part, I’m just about done. I’d like to hear from you now, (cue to comment here)

One popular option to finishing your shopping list, is to do it online. I, for one, love online shopping. You don’t have to mess with the crowds, traffic, or them not having what you need. There are tons of pros to cyber shopping, as well as a few cons, how ever minor they may be.

You miss the human interaction and seeing the decorations stores have up. A big concern I always have, is hoping that my purchases arrive on time and are not damaged. At least if you buy it in the store, you have it right then and there and don’t have to wait.

There are always two sides to every coin.

So, cyber shopping:

  1. It’s so important to be extra careful with what information you let out in the internet, especially around the holidays. Identity theft is all too real and dangerous.
  2. Always be sure to record all purchases in your checkbook. If you do a lot of intense spending, it’s easy to lose track.
  3. Be particular of the sites you shop at. By that I mean, it’s best to use familiar sites rather than unknown ones that may just be scams.
  4. Perhaps mark on your calendar the expected dates for delivery so you can be on the lookout for your packages.
  5. Be sure to always log off (no pun intended) CLICK HERE FOR EXPLAINATION or sign out of any sites, especially when using a public computer.
  6. Keep your banking and personal information close. It’s not safe to leave that info out in the open at your computer.
  7. And lastly….. remember that you’re not shopping just to get something in return or because you feel you have to buy for this person. The gift should come from the heart. It should be something you know they will love or that they truly need.

Christ was God’s gift to us. I can think of no better gift to share, than the gift of salvation.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~


How Will Your 2017 End?

Happy Friday!

So, It is officially December now, and 2017 is coming to an end. In this post I would like to think back on the past year. Was it good, bad, average?

I would define mine as productive. In May of 2017, I published my first book, The Beast.  It was really a leap for me and I thank God for His guidance and inspiration as I continued on my journey. Since then, I’ve published two others and a third one is currently being edited. And in November, I began working at my church office.

I would like to hear from you now. Have you accomplished any goals this year? Stepped out of your comfort zone? Maybe you are making plans for next year; I know I’ve got a list of upcoming books to write for 2018.

If you feel this year hasn’t been the greatest, that’s okay. You know, you’ve still got one month left. It’s not about how you start, it’s how you finish. How do you want to end 2017? Perhaps there are broken or mangled relationships with family and friends, goals you wanted to see finished, or that 2017 reading list to complete.

The great thing about making “resolutions” is, you don’t have to wait for the next year. What better time to begin than right now? And that goes from anything to diets, saving funds, growing closer to God, and going further in your education. People always say, “I’ll do that tomorrow.” In reality, tomorrow never comes. Like in the movie Annie, “You’re always a day away.”

Let’s make today, our tomorrow. Let’s start fresh right now, so when December ends and January begins, your resolutions and goals will already be habit forming and you’re ahead of the game.

Feel free to leave a comment and be sure to check out my website, booksbyvirginia.wordpress.com

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

Short and Sweet

Hi guys!

I have very little time to write this all out so I’m making this short, sweet, and to the point.

Smile more

worry less 

Believe in the impossible 

Remember your value

Don’t let things get to you

Learn at least one thing a day

And above all- God loves you!

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

The Good News

What is it about the love of God that is so baffling? Could it be the vastness, how it covers every living soul without question? Perhaps it has to do with the unexplainable forgiveness that God freely gives to all.

The word Love, is terribly overused today. In so much, that the true meaning has been lost. God’s love is unlike anything we mere mortals could ever fathom. The sacrificial love is unexplainable, unthinkable, but not unobtainable.

How do we respond to such a loving God? Rejecting Him? Reaching out on humbled knees with open arms? God does not force His way into our hearts. He respects our freewill and prefers a willing heart to a robot.

The Gospel, or Good News, is this: Jesus lived on this Earth as full man and full God. He ministered, healed, and taught multitudes. By God’s will, Jesus was mocked, beaten, and crucified. His saving blood was poured out for our sins. Death lingered in the sealed tomb where he was buried. But three glorious days later, death was defeated and the Son of God is alive forevermore. And He is coming back. Through His death, He gave us forgiveness. Through His resurrection, He gave us hope of life eternal.

“Oh death, where is thy sting? Oh grave, where is thy victory?” 1 Corinthians 15:55 KJV

What will you do with the Gospel, a second chance at new life? Jesus wants you to know Him personally; will you step out in faith and receive Him as your savior? We have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

If you have questions, please leave a comment and I will reply asap.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

Prophecy in the Weather

Hey readers!

I can’t believe I missed getting a post together for Friday! Actually I’m not that surprised, this week has been absolutely CRAZY!

Anyway, If you got the chance to watch my promotional video for the Beast, I hope you enjoyed it. Here is the link if you want to check it out.

I’m sure by now you are aware of all the disasters happening in the US. Hurricanes are wrecking havoc down south in Texas and Florida, while fires are rapidly raging on the other side of the country in Oregon, Montana, Utah, Idaho, Washington and California.

The Bible speaks of natural disasters in the end. Luke 21:25-28 says “And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring. {26} Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken. {27} And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. {28} And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh.”

Verse 25 mentions signs in the sun, moon and stars. Didn’t we just have a solar eclipse? The Bible is real, everyone. These things are and will come to pass. The question is, what will your response be? No one knows the exact date for the end, and we aren’t supposed to. We only have to be waiting, watching and make sure our hearts are right with God.

If you have any questions please leave a comment. I’m open to talk and will give an honest answer.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

Rise and shine!

Good morning and a joyous Friday to you all!

It’s that time of year again when summer is officially over and school is back in session. Where I live, school begins the 28th, I know some schools have already been back in the daily grind for a few weeks now. Whether starting elementary school, middle school, high school or college; a new journey is on the horizon with loads of opportunities.

Below are a few tips for starting a new school year on the right track:

  1. Packing your backpack the night before the first day is always a good idea. The morning of a first day can be hectic.
  2. Have your outfit picked out and ready to go
  3. Be sure to charge your phone, tablet or laptop the night before so it’s ready for you
  4. Get plenty of sleep the night before! Eight to ten hours is a good idea.
  5. A healthy and energizing breakfast is important
  6. I’m not sure why, but finding my shoes in the morning is always a hassle. Keep up with them to save time hunting for them
  7. If riding the bus, be at the bus stop early, five-ten minuets is best. If driving, leave early, as traffic is sure to be crazy
  8. Parents may want to take a picture or two to capture the memory
  9. Stay positive and just remember, it’s only the first day. It’s ok to ask questions, students aren’t expected to know everything.

Before signing off, I want to touch on a topic that is very real and important in my family. It’s hard enough starting a new school year, it can be even worse to be the new kid. Take the time to show yourself friendly to others. Don’t get caught up in the crowd just to be “popular”. Time and time again, this same scenario happens; ignoring those who are different or shy just so those who are “popular” won’t look down on them.

Take the time to make friends with those who seem to need friends, not with those who feel they need a larger entourage. Have lunch with those who no one will sit with. Offer a friendly smile to those who feel they have no reason to smile. Make this school year, one to stand out for the better.

One another note, my fellow Christians returning to school: Be a light. Share God’s love with those who are entangled in darkness. Don’t be ashamed to take your Bible to school. It is sharper and more powerful then any two-edged sword. Have a devotion in the morning. Be prayed up and have a song on your heart as you enter the building. Whom shall you fear when the God of angel armies in on your side? (credit to Chris Tomlin)

I wish you all the best in your studies. You will succeed if you give it your all. Have a great weekend and an amazing school year!

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

The book of Job, relatable?

Happy Friday readers!

This week, in my Bible, I finished the book of Job and I have to say, the ending left me  with some unanswered questions. If you haven’t read it, I recommend giving it a read.

Job was an average joe, despite the fact that he was wealthy. Job was also a servant of God. Early on in the book, God gives permission for Satan to torment this man, to show how faithful Job is to God and to prove that Job is not only faithful because God had blessed him so.  Job endures everything from the death of family members, to the agony of boils. From there things are looking pretty desolate and seem hopeless.

His wife tells him to curse God and die, and his “friends” give him criticism instead of comfort. The majority of the book flips back and forth between disputes and disagreements between Job and his “friends.”

I’m sure most of you have heard of the ‘patience of Job’. As I was reading the book, I couldn’t help but think that there is so much more to this story than patience. For one thing, Job remained firm when his “friends” basically told him repeatedly, that the only reason he was going through so many trials was because of sin in his life, which was a lie. God did not punish him, in fact God was doing the opposite, he was showing Satan how strong Job’s character was.

The last few chapters God himself enters the scene and speaks to Job. Now, Job has been wanting to ask God questions this whole time, but here God has his own questions for this man. To name a few:

“Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?”

“Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth?”

“Canst thou send lightening’s, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?”

Job had to be reminded of God’s power, His control, and who He is. Job, like us, only saw what trials he had faced and began to question God and consider the Almighty to be nothing but a bully. After being reminded and repenting, God blessed Job with twice as much as he had before. The “friends” were rebuked, expect for one of the men, Elihu, was not mentioned when the others were chastised, which left me wondering what became of him.

I find the book of Job to be very relatable to today. How often do we find our life taking a turn for the worst? When chaos and disaster brings us to our knees, how do we react? Sometimes God allows terrible things to happen, in order to bring us closer to Him. Notice that God never explained to Job why he went through so much. God doesn’t have to explain Himself to mere men; we just have to trust and believe God.

It is good to be reminded how small we are in this world, and even better to be reminded how big God is. He really does love you.

If you have any questions or you just want to talk, please feel free to leave a comment. Again, I highly recommend reading the book of Job, especially if you enjoy reading about dinosaurs and dragons, which are discussed in a couple of the chapters.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~