Christmas book!!!

Hey all!

I know this is early, but I won’t have a post for this Friday. I’ll try to get one for the following Friday though.

So…. my new book is up!! It’s on Amazon (Click here) It’s available as both an eBook and paperback. The story takes place during Thanksgiving and goes through New Years Eve. It has great lessons to take back such as: forgiveness, dealing with grief, second chances, and grace. I had a lot of fun writing it and I hope you enjoy reading it just as much if you get the opportunity.

Check out the trailer below (no sound)


It's called grace teaser

If you read it, honest reviews are very appreciated. I also added all this info on my site if you wanted to check it out,

Did I mention that this is the first of a Christmas series, Abundant Blessings? Yup, another series. I love those.

Any way, Hope you all have a very, very merry Christmas and a blessed New Year! Stay warm and God loves you!

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~