Short and Sweet

Hi guys!

I have very little time to write this all out so I’m making this short, sweet, and to the point.

Smile more

worry less 

Believe in the impossible 

Remember your value

Don’t let things get to you

Learn at least one thing a day

And above all- God loves you!

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

The Good News

What is it about the love of God that is so baffling? Could it be the vastness, how it covers every living soul without question? Perhaps it has to do with the unexplainable forgiveness that God freely gives to all.

The word Love, is terribly overused today. In so much, that the true meaning has been lost. God’s love is unlike anything we mere mortals could ever fathom. The sacrificial love is unexplainable, unthinkable, but not unobtainable.

How do we respond to such a loving God? Rejecting Him? Reaching out on humbled knees with open arms? God does not force His way into our hearts. He respects our freewill and prefers a willing heart to a robot.

The Gospel, or Good News, is this: Jesus lived on this Earth as full man and full God. He ministered, healed, and taught multitudes. By God’s will, Jesus was mocked, beaten, and crucified. His saving blood was poured out for our sins. Death lingered in the sealed tomb where he was buried. But three glorious days later, death was defeated and the Son of God is alive forevermore. And He is coming back. Through His death, He gave us forgiveness. Through His resurrection, He gave us hope of life eternal.

“Oh death, where is thy sting? Oh grave, where is thy victory?” 1 Corinthians 15:55 KJV

What will you do with the Gospel, a second chance at new life? Jesus wants you to know Him personally; will you step out in faith and receive Him as your savior? We have nothing to lose, but everything to gain.

If you have questions, please leave a comment and I will reply asap.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

The book of Job, relatable?

Happy Friday readers!

This week, in my Bible, I finished the book of Job and I have to say, the ending left me  with some unanswered questions. If you haven’t read it, I recommend giving it a read.

Job was an average joe, despite the fact that he was wealthy. Job was also a servant of God. Early on in the book, God gives permission for Satan to torment this man, to show how faithful Job is to God and to prove that Job is not only faithful because God had blessed him so.  Job endures everything from the death of family members, to the agony of boils. From there things are looking pretty desolate and seem hopeless.

His wife tells him to curse God and die, and his “friends” give him criticism instead of comfort. The majority of the book flips back and forth between disputes and disagreements between Job and his “friends.”

I’m sure most of you have heard of the ‘patience of Job’. As I was reading the book, I couldn’t help but think that there is so much more to this story than patience. For one thing, Job remained firm when his “friends” basically told him repeatedly, that the only reason he was going through so many trials was because of sin in his life, which was a lie. God did not punish him, in fact God was doing the opposite, he was showing Satan how strong Job’s character was.

The last few chapters God himself enters the scene and speaks to Job. Now, Job has been wanting to ask God questions this whole time, but here God has his own questions for this man. To name a few:

“Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth?”

“Hast thou perceived the breadth of the earth?”

“Canst thou send lightening’s, that they may go, and say unto thee, Here we are?”

Job had to be reminded of God’s power, His control, and who He is. Job, like us, only saw what trials he had faced and began to question God and consider the Almighty to be nothing but a bully. After being reminded and repenting, God blessed Job with twice as much as he had before. The “friends” were rebuked, expect for one of the men, Elihu, was not mentioned when the others were chastised, which left me wondering what became of him.

I find the book of Job to be very relatable to today. How often do we find our life taking a turn for the worst? When chaos and disaster brings us to our knees, how do we react? Sometimes God allows terrible things to happen, in order to bring us closer to Him. Notice that God never explained to Job why he went through so much. God doesn’t have to explain Himself to mere men; we just have to trust and believe God.

It is good to be reminded how small we are in this world, and even better to be reminded how big God is. He really does love you.

If you have any questions or you just want to talk, please feel free to leave a comment. Again, I highly recommend reading the book of Job, especially if you enjoy reading about dinosaurs and dragons, which are discussed in a couple of the chapters.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~




Rest for the weary

It’s Friday, and I want to congratulate my readers on making it through another week. Some of you may have just endured a very hard week. Receiving bad news or experiencing a difficult trial. I first want you to know that you are not alone. No one is immune from bad days.

Maybe you can relate to the title, weary. Weary of illness, weary of finances. Maybe just weary of life in general. I have news though, there is rest you can have. Not rest from a nap or a short vacation, but real rest.

Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 KJV

Jesus is speaking in that verse. He was inviting the weary, the burden down. He still wants, no, desires to give people rest. How do we come to Jesus? By believing, accepting Him, and praying for forgiveness of sins.

“Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.” Revelations 3:20 KJV

The door that Jesus knocks on, is your heart. Opening your heart and allowing Him into your life is how to become a Christian and the only way to Heaven. Jesus is not a respecter of persons, race, gender, backgrounds, or social status. He loves every body and wants to have a personal relationship with you.

Only through Him is real rest found. I’m not saying that life will be perfect, far from actually. But with Jesus in your heart and God moving in your life, it’s comforting to have his everlasting love on your side.

If there are any questions please do not hesitate to ask, there are no dumb questions.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

What’s really important?

Vacation Bible School. Commonly just called VBS. Most churches organize a VBS in the summer months, in which children can partake in crafts, Bible lessons, music and so much more. My church recently held a VBS, the theme was Galactic Surveyors.

For those of you who have worked or volunteered at a VBS, you can relate to the mixed emotions that come naturally: excitement, stress, joy and frustration. These emotions may seem to contradict, but they actually blend perfectly. The excitement when the kids start to arrive. The stress of an insufficient amount of time in which to work with. The Joy of observing the children enjoy themselves and having fun and the frustration of feeling overwhelmed.

The VBS at my church was a grand success as some of the kids accepted Jesus into their heart. I had worked in crafts and it would be a lie to say that everything worked out perfectly. On the final day of our four day VBS, hearing the news of a child becoming saved, my heart was full of rejoicing and one of my first thoughts was this, “It was all worth it.” The stress was worth it. The frustration was worth it.

It does not matter what section you are working in or what job is yours. It is easy to get caught up in the wave of emotions but we have to remember what is really important. The kids hearing the Gospel. The kids accepting Jesus. That is why we have VBS. If you intend to help at an upcoming VBS I ask that you keep this idea in the forefront of your mind.

Until next time,


Slowing down

This particular post is not meant to inform or instruct, but to encourage.

How often do we find ourselves rushing from here to there, trying to beat the clock and the traffic. This habit-forming way of living is not only exhausting but can take away our joy.

So my message to you now is to take time to breath. To enjoy today, as it is a gift from God. Smile to a stranger in passing. Offer a kind word to your neighbor. Let your family know you love them. It is easy to let the world and all of its problems take center stage in our lives, but it’s important to remember that this life is temporary. As my sister so profoundly stated: Love the things that money cannot buy. Let that be your motto today, tomorrow and forever.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

Trusting during a leap of faith

Have you ever just had to put yourself out there? Leaping from your comfort zone and hoping you have a nice and safe landing? I’m sure we all have.

It is rightly named, a leap of faith, because that’s just what leaving your comfort zone is, stepping out in faith. It is scary, nerve-wrecking and downright frightening. But the important part of this giant leap is the word, “faith” Faith means putting aside fears and trusting. Laying aside doubts and more trusting.

You may be asking, trust what? Trust who? Man is imperfect and messes up more often than some may openly admit. So what can we trust? Money? Instincts? The heart? None of those; money is temporary and easily lost, instincts can be misleading or biased and I don’t even want to begin to think about how easily the heart is swayed and pulled. Never trust your heart to guide or lead you in decision making.

So what then? Well how about trusting the One who created the stars? The seas? The animals? And you. God is all knowing, all seeing, and all loving. Yes you read correctly, God does indeed love you. God is the one I put my trust in. Though I am not perfect, He is the source of my strength and the only One who is truly dependable.

If you have any questions, please leave a comment.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~