Good morning…?

Hello dear readers,

It is currently 3:40 AM and I’m still awake. Why, you may ask? I couldn’t say. I was already up pretty late and got a shower and I decided to write on my blog. I know my updates have been pretty slow.

So, I was thinking about doing more posts about writing and publishing and things like that. What do you think? As most of you know I’m published with Amazon (click here to visit my author page) and it’s offically been a year (May 9th 2017), I made my share of mistakes and learned a lot during the journey. I’m thankful God allowed me to takethat first step.

I’d love to hear your opinion or if you have any questions. I think I’ll sign out for now, my sleepless night is finally catching up to me.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

How Will Your 2017 End?

Happy Friday!

So, It is officially December now, and 2017 is coming to an end. In this post I would like to think back on the past year. Was it good, bad, average?

I would define mine as productive. In May of 2017, I published my first book, The Beast.  It was really a leap for me and I thank God for His guidance and inspiration as I continued on my journey. Since then, I’ve published two others and a third one is currently being edited. And in November, I began working at my church office.

I would like to hear from you now. Have you accomplished any goals this year? Stepped out of your comfort zone? Maybe you are making plans for next year; I know I’ve got a list of upcoming books to write for 2018.

If you feel this year hasn’t been the greatest, that’s okay. You know, you’ve still got one month left. It’s not about how you start, it’s how you finish. How do you want to end 2017? Perhaps there are broken or mangled relationships with family and friends, goals you wanted to see finished, or that 2017 reading list to complete.

The great thing about making “resolutions” is, you don’t have to wait for the next year. What better time to begin than right now? And that goes from anything to diets, saving funds, growing closer to God, and going further in your education. People always say, “I’ll do that tomorrow.” In reality, tomorrow never comes. Like in the movie Annie, “You’re always a day away.”

Let’s make today, our tomorrow. Let’s start fresh right now, so when December ends and January begins, your resolutions and goals will already be habit forming and you’re ahead of the game.

Feel free to leave a comment and be sure to check out my website,

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~