Welcome 2018!

I am pumped for this year, how about you guys? I see a lot promise for improvement, success, and achievements.

I’d love to hear from you, what are some of your expectations for 2018? Whatever they are, I wish you the best! For me, I want to grow closer to God, continue to write and sell my books, and my goal is to attend my first book signing/author event!

I know this post is horribly short, but that’s all that was on my mind. Oh, I do have a Twitter account now! Follow me @Henderson93V I’m new to it and kinda have no idea what I’m doing, lol.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

How Will Your 2017 End?

Happy Friday!

So, It is officially December now, and 2017 is coming to an end. In this post I would like to think back on the past year. Was it good, bad, average?

I would define mine as productive. In May of 2017, I published my first book, The Beast.  It was really a leap for me and I thank God for His guidance and inspiration as I continued on my journey. Since then, I’ve published two others and a third one is currently being edited. And in November, I began working at my church office.

I would like to hear from you now. Have you accomplished any goals this year? Stepped out of your comfort zone? Maybe you are making plans for next year; I know I’ve got a list of upcoming books to write for 2018.

If you feel this year hasn’t been the greatest, that’s okay. You know, you’ve still got one month left. It’s not about how you start, it’s how you finish. How do you want to end 2017? Perhaps there are broken or mangled relationships with family and friends, goals you wanted to see finished, or that 2017 reading list to complete.

The great thing about making “resolutions” is, you don’t have to wait for the next year. What better time to begin than right now? And that goes from anything to diets, saving funds, growing closer to God, and going further in your education. People always say, “I’ll do that tomorrow.” In reality, tomorrow never comes. Like in the movie Annie, “You’re always a day away.”

Let’s make today, our tomorrow. Let’s start fresh right now, so when December ends and January begins, your resolutions and goals will already be habit forming and you’re ahead of the game.

Feel free to leave a comment and be sure to check out my website, booksbyvirginia.wordpress.com

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~

Down, But Not Out

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your driving force was determination, or some may call it stubbornness. Either way, this driving attitude can push us to do amazing things as well as unhealthy things.

Tasks or goals we are given or make for ourselves can become very important to us and we can find ours quoting, “I will finish this if it kills me.” I’ve found myself saying things like that. Especially when putting together a schedule for completing a book. That hardcore attitude is fine, but can come with a price. Such as: sleep, money, energy, time, emotional rest, and maybe even relationships.

While the achievements we strive for and force ourselves to complete are possible, life can hit us full force. Things come up that put wrenches in our plans, and there’s nothing we can do about it.

When that happens those who are earnest, will be driven to overcome the challenges through determination/stubbornness. Doing whatever it takes to not give up and quit. For some, quiting is never an option.

If you find the title, Down but Not Out, relatable I encourage you to examine your situation. What is hindering my achievement? Is there anything I can do fix it? Am I supposed to be doing this? Is this achievement worth all the energy I’m putting into it?

Determination can take us further than we intend. Use it within reason and make sure to keep it in check.

Challenge accepted is a good attitude as long as the challenge is something we actully need to do, and not something we want to do just because determination tells us to.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~