Rise and shine!

Good morning and a joyous Friday to you all!

It’s that time of year again when summer is officially over and school is back in session. Where I live, school begins the 28th, I know some schools have already been back in the daily grind for a few weeks now. Whether starting elementary school, middle school, high school or college; a new journey is on the horizon with loads of opportunities.

Below are a few tips for starting a new school year on the right track:

  1. Packing your backpack the night before the first day is always a good idea. The morning of a first day can be hectic.
  2. Have your outfit picked out and ready to go
  3. Be sure to charge your phone, tablet or laptop the night before so it’s ready for you
  4. Get plenty of sleep the night before! Eight to ten hours is a good idea.
  5. A healthy and energizing breakfast is important
  6. I’m not sure why, but finding my shoes in the morning is always a hassle. Keep up with them to save time hunting for them
  7. If riding the bus, be at the bus stop early, five-ten minuets is best. If driving, leave early, as traffic is sure to be crazy
  8. Parents may want to take a picture or two to capture the memory
  9. Stay positive and just remember, it’s only the first day. It’s ok to ask questions, students aren’t expected to know everything.

Before signing off, I want to touch on a topic that is very real and important in my family. It’s hard enough starting a new school year, it can be even worse to be the new kid. Take the time to show yourself friendly to others. Don’t get caught up in the crowd just to be “popular”. Time and time again, this same scenario happens; ignoring those who are different or shy just so those who are “popular” won’t look down on them.

Take the time to make friends with those who seem to need friends, not with those who feel they need a larger entourage. Have lunch with those who no one will sit with. Offer a friendly smile to those who feel they have no reason to smile. Make this school year, one to stand out for the better.

One another note, my fellow Christians returning to school: Be a light. Share God’s love with those who are entangled in darkness. Don’t be ashamed to take your Bible to school. It is sharper and more powerful then any two-edged sword. Have a devotion in the morning. Be prayed up and have a song on your heart as you enter the building. Whom shall you fear when the God of angel armies in on your side? (credit to Chris Tomlin)

I wish you all the best in your studies. You will succeed if you give it your all. Have a great weekend and an amazing school year!

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~