Cyber Shopping 101

Happy Friday!

Hope you all are staying warm; Texas is getting a taste of northern winter weather.

So, lets go ahead and get straight to the point. Are you ready for Christmas? Most times that question also means, have you finished your shopping? For the most part, I’m just about done. I’d like to hear from you now, (cue to comment here)

One popular option to finishing your shopping list, is to do it online. I, for one, love online shopping. You don’t have to mess with the crowds, traffic, or them not having what you need. There are tons of pros to cyber shopping, as well as a few cons, how ever minor they may be.

You miss the human interaction and seeing the decorations stores have up. A big concern I always have, is hoping that my purchases arrive on time and are not damaged. At least if you buy it in the store, you have it right then and there and don’t have to wait.

There are always two sides to every coin.

So, cyber shopping:

  1. It’s so important to be extra careful with what information you let out in the internet, especially around the holidays. Identity theft is all too real and dangerous.
  2. Always be sure to record all purchases in your checkbook. If you do a lot of intense spending, it’s easy to lose track.
  3. Be particular of the sites you shop at. By that I mean, it’s best to use familiar sites rather than unknown ones that may just be scams.
  4. Perhaps mark on your calendar the expected dates for delivery so you can be on the lookout for your packages.
  5. Be sure to always log off (no pun intended) CLICK HERE FOR EXPLAINATION or sign out of any sites, especially when using a public computer.
  6. Keep your banking and personal information close. It’s not safe to leave that info out in the open at your computer.
  7. And lastly….. remember that you’re not shopping just to get something in return or because you feel you have to buy for this person. The gift should come from the heart. It should be something you know they will love or that they truly need.

Christ was God’s gift to us. I can think of no better gift to share, than the gift of salvation.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~