Hello and Goodbye.

It’s been five years (give or take a few months) since my last post, My First Author Event! I didn’t intend to drop off the face of the earth and I’m very sorry to leave you guys hanging like that.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that in five years my life has changed dramatically. In fact, so much has happened, including a church membership just last night, that it would be impossible to go into everything in just one post. And that would defeat the purpose of this final post on this blog. Is that to say I’ve stopped blogging? Heavens no! I’ve got a very much current up and running blog that I’ll share with you in just a minute.

So why did I pop in after five years just to say goodbye? Well, I don’t know. Partly to officially close the doors and say goodbye to all my readers (if you’re still subscribed after all this time, I appreciate that!) and partly because in the background of working on my current blog, I’ve often thought back on this one. I considered revamping it but that would leave me with two blogs to consistently update and I’m doing good with just one.

Possibly it has everything to do with yesterday. Sunday morning, my family attended a church we hadn’t stepped foot in about three months. Our main reason was to say goodbye after a year of off and on attendance. It was a good church with Godly preaching, but it wasn’t where God wanted us. Sitting in the congregation that morning, I knew without a doubt that my family was making the right choice. And later that evening we officially became members at the new church. If you’ve ever joined a church, then you know the rush of emotions from nervousness to excitement. The endless shaking of hands, hugs and warm welcomes. In that moment, I felt at home.

Yesterday was a day goodbyes and hellos. A day of closure and new beginnings. And looking back at this blog…it’s finally time to do the same.

If you would like to stay in the loop and still connect with me, I have all my links below:

~Blog: https://booksbyvirginia.wordpress.com/ This started out as just my book website until I started blogging again in 2022.

~Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/17023577.Virginia_Henderson

~Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/virginia_henderson_author/

~Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Vhenderson93

~Newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/8944a1fd4fe1/newsletter-sign-up-link

~YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@all-bookedbookreviews/featured

If you read this far, thank you so much for sticking with me. I truly appreciate you!

Until next time. Have a blessed day!

~Writer for Christ

Final week of No-Shame Promotion Month


There was no update last Friday because we had to make a spur of the moment trip up to Ohio for a funeral. My grandpa knew Jesus, so he is in Heaven and it’s not goodbye, but I’ll see him again.

Anyway, If you’ve been following along, this month is my no shame promotion month for my new book that is out, Log Off.  Here is a link to the trailer

Log Off all begins with an email. Have you ever used a public computer and found that the previous user failed to log off their account? That’s exactly what happens to Jessica in this book, but what she discovers is beyond anything she ever imagined, a bomb plot for revenge!

Along the way she will team up with unexpected friends and will do all she can to stop the bombers. It’s a really exciting story and I absolutely loved writing it! Best of all, it’s the first of the trilogy!

Here is the link to amazon If you get a chance to read it, I’d appreciate it if you could leave a review on Amazon, or on Goodreads

This is the final week of the promotion week, I hope you enjoyed it and I may do more of these in the future. If you have any questions about my books, don’t hesitate to leave a comment.

Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~