What’s really important?

Vacation Bible School. Commonly just called VBS. Most churches organize a VBS in the summer months, in which children can partake in crafts, Bible lessons, music and so much more. My church recently held a VBS, the theme was Galactic Surveyors.

For those of you who have worked or volunteered at a VBS, you can relate to the mixed emotions that come naturally: excitement, stress, joy and frustration. These emotions may seem to contradict, but they actually blend perfectly. The excitement when the kids start to arrive. The stress of an insufficient amount of time in which to work with. The Joy of observing the children enjoy themselves and having fun and the frustration of feeling overwhelmed.

The VBS at my church was a grand success as some of the kids accepted Jesus into their heart. I had worked in crafts and it would be a lie to say that everything worked out perfectly. On the final day of our four day VBS, hearing the news of a child becoming saved, my heart was full of rejoicing and one of my first thoughts was this, “It was all worth it.” The stress was worth it. The frustration was worth it.

It does not matter what section you are working in or what job is yours. It is easy to get caught up in the wave of emotions but we have to remember what is really important. The kids hearing the Gospel. The kids accepting Jesus. That is why we have VBS. If you intend to help at an upcoming VBS I ask that you keep this idea in the forefront of your mind.

Until next time,
