I’m still alive!

Yes, I am still alive. I know I’ve missed like three weeks of posting on here! But I have some great excuses, *cough* I mean reasons…

I’ve been working on my next book that’s coming out this month. Editing, getting a cover made, and all that jazz. And I’ve been working on theĀ next book after that… Yes, I love writing and I shall take this moment to give you the link to my amazon page, click here, yes here. And…. I’m considering doing audiobooks! If you have any tips or advice about doing those, please comment.

Along with all that writing, I have been doing tons and tons of reading. You may have seen my Winter Reading List I’ve been adding to it little by little. It seems like I complete one book and add two more to replace it. Anyone relate to that? My GoodReads reading challenge is going good. I’ve been thinking about my spring reading list and will be getting it up at the end of this month.

At my church, the choir is putting on a play and I have a part in it!! I’m so excited!!! It’s not until May, so I’ll be super busy with that.

Let’s see.. oh, and I have some AMAZING news that I’m dying to share, but it’s not exactly official yet, so I’m wisely waiting. All I’ll say is that it has to do with my books.

And that is why I have not been on in three weeks. I will be updating my website as soon as the next book is up and available. Have you visited my website? No?? Well, let’s fix that. Booksbyvirginia.wordpress.com

I’ll try my best to post again next Friday. By the way, Happy Groundhog’s Day. Is it just me, or is anyone else seeing a Lion King Pride Rock scene here?


Until next time,

~Writer for Christ~